Compare the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan 70 years ago

Compare the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan 70 years ago

On 09 August 1945, is the tragedy of the atomic bombing of the United States came second on Gaza City's Japanthis ended a 70-year period only. The second bomb, called Fat Man potent powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima to 10 times.

To force Japan to surrender the second World War, the United States has created a powerful atomic bomb stronger 2. A second bomb called Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima on August 06, 1945. The second bomb called Fat Man was dropped on the city of Gaza on 09 August 1945. Want to know the two bombs difference, please see the following comparison:

1. Atomic bomb Little Boy


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Posted by khmer, Published at 11:15:00 PM and have